About Shaun Buck
Shaun has a unique story. He had his first son at just 16 years of age and made the life-changing decision to raise him on his own. This choice both inspired and motivated him to become the successful man he is today.
Shaun Buck has been a serial entrepreneur for over 15 years and currently owns and operates The Newsletter Pro, based out of Boise, Idaho. Although The Newsletter Pro has only been operating since 2011, Shaun and his 60+ member team have grown the company into the nation’s largest custom print newsletter company, printing and mailing millions of newsletters annually for diverse industries spread across four countries.
In 2015, Shaun and The Newsletter Pro landed at No. 120 on the Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Companies list with a shocking growth rate of 2,975%, and reached No. 343 in 2016. He was awarded Marketer of the Year, and his company, The Newsletter Pro, was voted Best Place to Work in Idaho in 2016, 2017, and again in 2018.
Shaun is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur.com and has both published his own book, The Ultimate Guide To Newsletters (the second edition of Amazon bestseller Newsletter Marketing), and collaborated with marketing guru Dan Kennedy to co-write the No B.S Guide to Maximum Referrals and Customer Retention.
About Newsletter Pro
Other newsletter companies might claim to be “custom,” but none of them seem to know the meaning of the word. Here at The Newsletter Pro, we know that custom means 100% done-for-you, 100% one-of-a-kind, and 100% unique.
Our newsletters are created from scratch with you and your demographic in mind. They’re written by a team of skilled ghostwriters, designed by professional graphic designers, and printed on high-quality printers. We have extensive quality assurance procedures that make sure your product doesn’t leave our doors without multiple reviews.
In short, we have a team of Pros dedicated to developing personal connections, building relationships, and providing exceptional customer service. That’s the The Newsletter Pro difference. To learn more about how we can help you create a custom print newsletter that helps your clients know, like, and trust you (naturally increasing your retention and referrals), visit us online at www.thenewsletterpro.com.